Lizard Sound Astrology

Lizard Sound Astrology, also known as Sauropsid Acoustic Astrology, is a pseudoscientific belief system that attributes astrological significance to the vocalizations and sounds produced by various lizard species. This practice is not supported by scientific evidence and is considered a form of pseudoscience by the mainstream scientific community.

Origins and Historical Context

According to the Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience (Cogan, 2015), Lizard Sound Astrology originated in the late 20th century, likely influenced by the New Age movement and a resurgence of interest in alternative spirituality. However, there is no credible historical or cultural evidence to support its origins or widespread practice.

Theoretical Principles

Proponents of Lizard Sound Astrology claim that the sounds made by different lizard species, such as geckos, iguanas, and chameleons, correspond to specific astrological signs, planets, or cosmic energies. They believe that listening to or recording these sounds can provide insights into an individual's personality, relationships, and future events. However, these claims are not based on scientific evidence or a testable theoretical framework.

Scientific Criticism

The scientific community, including biologists, herpetologists, and astronomers, has consistently rejected Lizard Sound Astrology as a pseudoscience. According to the National Center for Science Education (NCSE, 2021), the claims made by Lizard Sound Astrology practitioners are not supported by empirical evidence and lack a coherent scientific basis.

Reputable organizations, such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, 2022) and the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS, 2023), have also debunked astrological beliefs, including Lizard Sound Astrology, as they are incompatible with the principles of modern astronomy and physics.


In conclusion, Lizard Sound Astrology is a pseudoscientific belief system that lacks scientific credibility and empirical support. While some individuals may find personal meaning or entertainment value in these practices, it is important to distinguish between pseudoscience and scientifically validated knowledge. Reputable sources and organizations consistently reject astrological claims, including those related to Lizard Sound Astrology, as they are not based on scientific evidence or testable theories.


Cogan, R. (2015). Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience. Routledge.

National Center for Science Education (NCSE). (2021). Astrology and Pseudoscience. Retrieved from

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). (2022). Astrology. Retrieved from

Royal Astronomical Society (RAS). (2023). Astrology and Astronomy. Retrieved from