What is Gana in Astrology

What is Gana in Astrology?

Various astrologers believe that the position of the Moon in a person's birth chart can influence the ganas. This is a vital aspect of astrology and is used to understand a person's behavioural traits. There are three types of ganas: Manava, Dev and Rakshasa. In Vedic astrology, these ganas play an important role.

The Gana represents a person's nature and temperament, and reveals the basic temperament. The Gana is also used to analyze marriage compatibility. The astrologer's approach should be a wholesome one to avoid astrological clashes and to give the couple long-term comfort.

Gana is an astrological constellation that reveals the behavioural qualities and temperament of a person. These characteristics are based on the position of the Moon in the natal chart of a person. The positions of the planets in the natal chart can affect the character and life of a person. These parameters can predict the future of a person and help determine the person's personality.

Astrology has 27 nakshatras. Each nakshatra belongs to one of the three categories. The Nakshatra Gana is called Gana Porutham in southern India. The Vedic astrology divides these nakshatras into three equal groups of nine nakshatras. Each category is assigned a specific gana. In addition, there are some nakshatras that are considered Manushya Gana, Rakshasa Gana or Deva Gana.

In Vedic astrology, the Nakshatra Gana plays a vital role in analyzing the compatibility between two people. In Vedic astrology, a person is categorized according to his/her nature into one of three categories - Manava, Rakshasa or Deva. This is important for the astrologer to determine whether the couple can live happily together or not.

The astrologer should consider the planetary influences and the position of the Moon in the natal charts of both the spouses. This will help in determining whether the person has a tendency to be friendly or aggressive. The astrologer can also use the Guna Milan to determine whether the couple has a tendency to enjoy worldly pleasures or work for the welfare of others.

Vedic astrology also divides the 27 nakshatras into three groups: Manava, Rakshasa and Dev. Each nakshatra represents the qualities of one of the three categories. These qualities include Manava Gana, which is considered to be the most powerful and Divine. The nakshatras of Rakshasa Gana are demonic and the nakshatras of Dev Gana are human.

In addition, the nakshatras of Poorvashada, Uttaraphalguni, Ardra and Manushya are considered to be Deva Gana.

The Guna Milan consists of six points, including the Moon's position in a person's birth chart. These points are based on the planetary influences, position of the Moon and the aspect that the lords of a person's nakshatras have. These factors are not determinant, but they can have a bearing on the behavioural traits of a person.

The astrological aspects that can be analyzed to determine the behavioural qualities of a person include the Gunas, the Nakshatras, the position of the Moon in the birth chart and the nakshatras occupied by the Ascendant Lord. The astrologer's analysis should be based on strong fundamentals of Vedic astrology.