A Simple Flats Light Source

A simple Flats light source...

The light source is an electroluminescent string from ebay which runs off 3v batteries. The tube is closed cell camping mat from Tesco which happens to have a silvered side.

2019 version 1:

A double thick circle of mat forms the base. the EM string was loosely coiled in the base. Two strips of mat about 8cm high were formed into hoops and inserted into the tube with circles of plastic. The hoops also support the diffusion material which is three circles of 'Static Film for Decoration and Privacy', got from Amazon to put on a window to make it obscured.

The discs were cut about 2cm larger than the diameter of the hoop and then slits were cut around the edge to make tabs, these were then folded over the hoop edges as it was inserted in the tube from the rear - no glue needed to hold them in place. The top one (the one you can see) has one layer and the bottom one has two to make sure the EM string is well diffused. Then the string was installed and the base taped into position. Note: more tape will be applied now I know it works!

The little control box takes two AA batteries but I have connected it to a variable power source and the EM string, it turns out, is dimmable. So the next part of the project will be to connect it to an Arduino PWM output so it can be controlled from the laptop.

Total cost about £12 if I have to buy it all from scratch.

Update 2020-05-25:

I am now using a string of RGB LEDs so I can control the colour temperature. It needs a bit more work as the supplied controller doesn't give enough control.

Sample flat taken with Voyager using AutoFlats sequence and stretched in DSS 4.2.xxx