Planetary Nebulae

The Dumbell Nebula

This was supposed to be a quick grab while it got properly dark after midnight but turned out much better than NGC6820!
20x120s Lights, 10xDark, Flat, DarkFlat. No cropping so iffy stars in one corner, Camera train wasn't square in the focuser.
Image date, time and location: 2020-08-06 Manche FranceTelescope aperture and focal ratio: TS1506UNC f4, TS-Optics GPU superflat 2" Coma Correktor for Newtonian telescopes, 4-elementCamera and filters used: ZWO ASI296 MC Pro (Gain 120, Offset 4, Temp -15c), Optolong 2" L-eNhance dual band filterProcessing applied: ASTAP. DarkTable

The Ring Nebula

Image date, time and location: 2019-06-23,10:30 CEST, MancheTelescope aperture and focal ratio: LX90 8" f10, Baader Alan Gee II Telekompressor.Exoposure Details: Gain 121 Exposure 250s Offset 4 Temp -15cCamera and filters used: ZWO ASI294MC Pro, Baader Neodymnium filterProcessing applied: DeepSkyStacker 4.2.0 beta 2

Dumbell Nebula

Image date, time and location: 02:00 2016-08-01 Manche, FranceTelescope aperture and focal ratio: Meade LX90 8" UHTC, Baader Alan Gee II TelecompressorCamera and filters used: Canon 1100D defiltered, IDAS LPS-D1Processing applied: DeepSkyStacker, Irfanview, Lightzone. No calibration.

Ring Nebula

Image date, time and location: 2015-08-03,01:30 CEST, MancheTelescope aperture and focal ratio: LX90 8" f10Camera and filters used: QHY5LII ColourProcessing applied: DeepSkyStacker

Little Dumbell Nebula

Full Frame, Full Size, 75 minutes of 300s subs ISO1600Image date, time and location: 2015 -11-07, 19:45-22:30, Manche, FranceTelescope aperture and focal ratio: LX90 8" at f5.6Camera and filters used: Canon 1100D Full Spectrum modProcessing applied: Deep Sky Stacker only

Little Dumbell Nebula

Only the centre of the image has been processed.
Image date, time and location: 2015 -11-02, 19:45-22:30, Manche, FranceTelescope aperture and focal ratio: LX90 8" at f5.6Camera and filters used: Canon 1000D with Baader replacement filterProcessing applied: Deep Sky Stacker only