Comets and Asteroids

C2020/F3 Neowise

A very low down comet in the north.

Image date, time and location: 2020-07-21 00:30, Manche, FranceTelescope aperture and focal ratio: Pentax 35-105 f4 at 105mm f5.6, StarAdventurerCamera and filters used: ZWO ASI294 MC Pro with Baader Neodymnium 2" filterProcessing applied: DSS 4.2.4 beta 4, DarkTable, Irfanview

2014 JO25

60 frame animation showing the progress of the asteroid through Draco.

Image date, time and location: 20 April 2014 02:01 UTC Manche, FranceTelescope aperture and focal ratio: Meade 50mm finder (190mm FL)Camera and filters used: GPCAM2 Mono, UV/IRProcessing applied: PIPP

Meteor close to M27

Image date, time and location: 2017-08-21 Manche, FranceTelescope aperture and focal ratio: TS1506UNC f4 6" 620mm flCamera and filters used: Canon1100D defiltered, Baader MPCCProcessing applied: None
Image date, time and location: 2015-01-18 1:30 50560 Manche FranceTelescope aperture and focal ratio: Nikon ED 70-300mm @ 300mm F5.6Camera and filters used: Canon 1000D Modded, IDAS LPS-D1Processing applied: Deep Sky Stacker

C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Same data processed differently again!

C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Same data processed differently!

(134) Sophrosyne


Animation in negative to show the asteroid better.
Image date, time and location: 20131024 00:33 - 02:19, Beckenham, UKTelescope aperture and focal ratio: Meade LX90 @f10Camera and filters used: Canon EOS 1000D, Astronomik CLS-CCDProcessing applied: Images cropped and converted to JPG in Irfanview, Giffed in GifApp 1.3
Image date, time and location: 2012-03-24 21:00GMT LondonTelescope aperture and focal ratio: LX90 8" UHTCCamera and filters used: Canon 1000DProcessing applied: DSS 3.2.2