Who are the Koryo-Saram?

As you delve into the story of the Koryo-Saram, remember to keep in mind the following questions:

1. Why is it important to share and understand the migration stories of ourselves and others?

2. How might these stories shape the ways in which we live and relate to one another? How do they shape our identity?

3. What are the challenges and opportunities that people experience based on their immigration status, and how can we best address these challenges to create more equal opportunities for all?

4. What is identity and what makes each of us who we are?

Welcome back to the present day! I hope your experience with Ulugh Beg was unforgettable. Paul Salopek, your new travel companion, has been anxiously awaiting your return. He wants to hear all about your travels.

You have an exciting day today! You will be learning about the absolutely incredible story of the Korean people in Uzbekistan, the Koryo-Saram. Theirs is an untold story, and it is up to you to let the world know about it. Let's get started!

Uzbekistan's Koreans: Who are the Koryo-Saram?