
So before you go, let's think about the following:

1. How has this experience shaped your view of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan?

2. How does what you know about the world shape the way you view yourself?

You have reached the end of an incredible adventure. Sit back and take some time to reflect on all that you have learned and the friends you have made along the way. You have traveled to places where many only dream of going, so consider yourself one of the lucky few. What a privilege it has been to travel with Ulugh Bek and Paul Salopek! Experiencing Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, countries that historically were at the crossroads of culture is something I hope will be forever in your heart.

I sincerely hope that your journey has enriched you and helped you become one of the greatest global citizens and super activists our world has ever seen. We need more people like you in our world!

Take advantage of every opportunity afforded to you to grow and understand the world around you for we are all connected. Relentlessly explore our phenomenal world and its peoples, become culturally sensitive, learn a second or a third language, and share your knowledge with those who have not had the same privileges you have had... ALWAYS!

As Hans Christian Andersen said To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, To gain all while you give, To roam the roads of lands remote, To travel is to live.