Assassin's Cheese


Fantasy World


This is the diary of a Fantasy World RPG campaign being played by a group of intrepid players. Come share the adventure with them!

All images are shamelessly stolen from around the interwebs. Just drop me a line if you see your artwork and would like it to be properly attributed or completely removed :-)


A list of all the relevant locations we explored.


A list of all the people we met.

Session 01

The 10th of May 2020

Where the setting is set, the fellowship is formed, and our protagonists begin to take shape and form.

Session 02

The 15th of May 2020

Where we meet our Protagonists in their "natural environment" and, immediately, the plot thickens!

Session 03

The 23th of May 2020

Where the AC meet & plan & plot amongst themselves, and with the Guild, and then the Guild returns the favor...

Session 04

The 31st of May 2020

Where the AC confront each other about a bunch of stuff, and make a few important decisions.

Session 05

The 13th of June 2020

In which a secret meeting occurs, preparations begin, and an unexpected encounter turns into a scuffle.

Session 06

The 21th of June 2020

In which plans are hatched and set into (com)motion...