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Workshop on: Contributions of Smart City Projects to Climate Resilience

Date: December 16-18 2020

Organizers: Hiroshima University (NERPS), National Institute for Environmental Studies (GCP)

Registration: Please register to receive zoom link prior to the event. https://bit.ly/2HsrTQz


Smart city initiatives enabled by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are deemed essential for helping cities to develop transformative solutions to address the challenges of global change and to create just, sustainable, and resilient communities. While a vast body of knowledge exists on the contributions of smart city projects to sustainability and quality of life, relatively little is known about their contributions to climate resilience and climate action planning. Accordingly, this workshop aims to bring together scholars and practitioners from several countries around the world to share knowledge on the actual and/or potential contributions for smart city solutions to climate resilience. Climate resilience in this context contributes to achieving climate change adaptation as well as mitigation objectives.

See the program for more details.