Sister Chrysostom Moynahan
Alabama's first registered nurse

Reposted from the Alabama Women's Hall of Fame.

Sister Chrysostom Moynahan was a pioneer in bringing health care services to Birmingham and to Alabama. She served as administrator of Birmingham's first hospital, St. Vincent's, from 1900-1918. She supervised nursing care, organized the medical staff and its residency program, managed finances, recruited personnel, raised funds, handled the hospital's relations with government, business, and the religious groups in the city; and developed programs to provide the hospital's services to those who could not pay.

She was the first registered nurse licensed in the State of Alabama, receiving License #1 on March 10, 1916. Realizing the need for skilled personnel to assist the group of nursing Sisters, she founded St. Vincent's School of Nursing, the first nursing school in the State of Alabama, and she served as director of the school during her tenure in Birmingham.