
Helpful Links

Here is a collection of miscellaneous information that you will find useful.

All UCLA Resources

UCLA Hosts a variety of resources which can be confusing to sort through. The Be Well Bruin site contains all UCLA resources that you pay for in your tuition. 

I NPed my Course! What do I do?

If several people in your class faced a similair issue with how a course was ran, please raise concerns to your class cabinet. They typically find better success than students advocating along. If your class or the ASB cabinet are unable or unwilling to help you, you  can log into Bruin Learn and go to the course titled: "CL_SPMC Student Policies, Manuals, and Clinic Information" and select the Resolution of Grade Disputes Policy for official action you can take. Please stay professional. 

Tooth Collection

You'll need teeth starting D2 year, so it's best to start collecting teeth early! 

OS clinic does full mouth extractions Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon. An opportunity to collect teeth. 

Course Schedules

These are the official calendars with the courses for each year. Only one quarter is updated at a time. Some dates may be off due to the professor's discretion when holding classes.

Alumni Resources

Our alumni are a valuable resources for dental students to connect with. If you're interested in connecting with an alumni, please contact your class Apollonian Society representative.

Graduate Student Association

Graduate Student Association provides free events, food, and study spaces that you pay for. Fees are mandated by UCLA, not ASB.  To get information on their weekly events, sign up for their newsletter.

Mental Health and Burnout

Dental School is very challenging and can take a toll on your mental health. Burnout and other mental health challenges are very common in various professional schools and the healthcare field. CAPS are psychological services that are provided by the university. Non-UCSHIP students only pay $15 a session at CAPS. UCSHIP students pay nothing.