
Registration(Google form)

Thank you for visiting ASAPE2024!

The registration was closed.


      →    Click here      

※If the following message appears

”You cannot reply to the ASAPE2024 Registration Form -Early Bird- because you do not have permission to share the document with the form owner."

Please sign out of your Google account and try again.

※”Reasonable accommodation” refers to an adjustment made for people with disabilities to participate fairly, which is outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This does not refer to ”accommodation reservations" or hotel reservation. Please be aware that the organizing committee does not arrange your accommodation. 

If you have already remitted your participation fee by May 15th, or if your abstract has been accepted but you have not yet registered. →Click here

If you can not fill out "Google Form"

Please write "registration-(full name)" in the subject line, fill out the information in the Excel file template, and send it as an attached file to

 Template(Excel file)download → template(Excel)
