Governor of Hokkaido
Naomichi SUZUKI
Governor of Hokkaido
A Greeting fromthe Governor
It is to my great joy that the 18th International Symposium of AsianSociety for Adapted Physical Education and Exercise is held in such a grandmanner. I would like to offer my wholehearted welcome to everyone for gatheringin Hokkaido from in and outside of Japan.
I would also like to express my deep respect for the efforts yoursociety has made since its establishment in 1986 to advance scientific researchon physical education and sports for people with disabilities and the elderlyin Asia.
In order to lead a healthy and fulfilling life, physically andmentally, it is crucial to have an environment where each individual may enjoysports and exercise suitable for their purposes, without the limitation of age,gender, or physical ability. I believe it is highly significant to haveresearchers from the field of adapted physical education and sports gather atthis event from all over Asia, offering you a place for lively discussions onthe participation in sports among people with disabilities and the elderly, aswell as the opportunity to share the results of this exchange in Hokkaido withthe rest of the world. It is my hope that the presentations given during thisevent will bring physical education and sports closer to many of the peoplewith disabilities and the elderly, leading to a more fulfilling life.
In July 2022, the Hokkaido Governmentfounded the Hokkaido Sports Mirai Board, a networking organization promotingsports in Hokkaido in collaboration with other governmental bodies, educationalinstitutions, sport organizations, professional sport teams, the businesssector, and other parties. With this organization, we have been working tocreate an environment where everyone can participate in society throughouttheir lives by making the most of the power of sports. I hope this symposiumwill be a good opportunity for us in Hokkaido to deepen our understanding ofsocial participation through sports.
Since you are in Hokkaido, I also hope you may take this opportunityto enjoy the beauty of our prefecture, including the abundant nature anddiverse flavors of Hokkaido.
In closing, I would like to express my deepest respect to everyonewhose efforts have made this symposium possible. I sincerely wish for thesuccess of this event, and all the best to its participants.