The Process

  1. Read the commission details found in the Price Rates tab.
  2. Submit a commission request form found in the Place My Order tab and I will contact you as soon as possible through your preferred contact and send an invoice for the down payment to your Paypal if paying through this option.
  3. Send your payment through the invoice or through the crypto token addresses provided in the form , and I will get started on your commission as soon as I can.
  4. I will show you a sketch preview for your approval (unless it is just a sketch commission for which it could be the final product) before continuing the drawing to lineart and or color it. A preview of progress in a later part of the commission work process may be requested.
  5. Once the commission is finished, I will request final payment for the drawing.
  6. After final payment is received, I will email you the original full size completed drawing.


Currently you have the option to pay for your commissions either by Paypal or by cryptocurrency.


All payments must be paid in full before a completed commission can be sent. I will show a preview sketch for flat color and full detail drawings only to be viewed for client approval. You must provide a valid Paypal address for me to send you an invoice. You can then pay through the invoice and I will inform you if I have received the payment.


Send your payment to crypto token addresses provide at the end of the commission form by copying and pasting them to the SEND address in your respective token's wallet. BE SURE to submit the correct token to the correct token address and even DOUBLE CHECK! You are responsible for any loss funds for sending funds through the wrong address. Please submit payment before submitting the form and funds should be in within 15 mins of form submission (unless transaction confirmation wait time is long due to the blockchain). I will review and confirm the payment based on the time you sent your payment and the time the form is submitted.

More token options may be available in the future!

Note: While the prices for your commission request are what is presented on the price chart found on this commission site, cryptocurrency token values do fluctuate. Try to submit the amount of a respective token which value is estimated to be no less than $2 the amount owed at the time of submitting your form.

Courtesy Customer Commitment

In fairness to both current or potential clients’ demand for commissions and the business of the artist, I do NOT allow commission “squatting” which by definition is to hold a commission spot for a long time without payment to commit thus potentially preventing other clients from ordering a spot. When a commission request is submitted and TOS has been agreed upon at time of submitting, it is the responsibility of the client to pay for their commission within a reasonable time frame to confirm commitment. Any submission sent must have full payment or a down payment that is agreed on by both parties made on the commission within 7 days of submitting a commission request form. If there is failure to make a payment within the time frame, your commission will be deemed a "delinquent payment" and will be removed from the queue. I will contact the client who has submitted their commission request form as soon as I am able to review the form. It is the responsibility of the client to provide accurate contact info in the form and response back to the artist as soon as they can. Any failure to respond back after 3 days of submitting the commission will also be considered a delinquent payment and will result in termination of your commission request. To insure contact is made, it is best to contact me as soon as you submit your form through any of my contacts which are found on my contact page.

If a delinquent payment is declared, squatters will be banned from commission orders for:

  • ONE week for the 1st offense
  • TWO weeks for the 2nd offense
  • ONE month for the 3rd offense
  • ONE year for the 4th offense

Natural disasters, unexpected traumatic events, and emergencies, etc. are excused reasons of a delinquent payment. If you know or expect that you won’t be able to afford the commission or at least a negotiated down payment, it is advised to please do NOT submit a request out of respect to other clients who are ready to make their purchase. Otherwise when you submit a commission form, you will be required to agree to the "Courtesy Customer Commitment" along with all TOS and will be held responsible for insuring all payments for a commission are met even if a change of commission is requested.