Price Rate

My current price rate for commissions is:


How the pricing from rates are determined (Time is in HRS:MINS):

0 Minute Range: xx:53 - xx:07 = Estimate time rounded up to the next hour or rounded down to 00:00 respectively.

Note: First 15 minutes of a drawing will be rounded up to 00:15. Rounded to the next hour if xx:53+.

15th Minute Range: xx:08 - xx:22 = Estimate time rounded to 00:15 or .25 hrs.

30th Minute Range: xx:23 - xx:37 = Estimate time rounded to 00:30 or .50 hrs.

45th Minute Range: xx:38 - xx:52 = Estimate time rounded to 00:45 or .75 hrs.

How will my commission be calculated?

Your commission will be calculated upon completion and determined by the amount of edit time put into it. Edit time is the amount of actual time worked on a drawing minus any idle time. Since Krita art program conveniently provides this, I am able to easily record edit times since it is also automatic. I can provide proof of the timestamp if requested.

Example 1:

A sketch commission that take 26 minutes to complete. 26 minutes places this in the "30th Minute" time range so it'll be rounded up to xx:30 or .50 hrs.

Your cost will be $30/hr x .5 hrs = $15

Note: This is about the same price as my old set price for sketch commissions.

Example 2:

A "Bleux" style full detail with detail background commission that take 3 hours 52 minutes to complete. The 52 minutes places this in the "45th Minute" time range so it'll be rounded down to xx:45 or .75 hrs plus add the 3 hours.

Your cost will be $30/hr x 3.75 hrs = $112.50

Note: This is about $2.50 cheaper than the old set price for a "Bleux" style full detail with detail background commissions.

Styles Offered

Bleux Comm Examples

Semi-realistic (Bleux) Style

Toony Comm Examples

Toony Style

Urban Dynamic Style

"What are estimate times my drawing would be completed?"

You can view time estimates about in the chart or in the link below.

Do note it does not necessarily mean that the drawing will get completed in the amount of time from submission of request. It does means when your drawing is worked among the queue, that it would most likely take that amount of edit time to complete the pic (depending on complexity and details).

How will payment be done?

All payments will be done either by Paypal or cryptocurrency.

All commissions will require an initial "down payment".

Down payment are as followed:

  • $1 - $29 = Require full payment.
  • $30 to $59 = $15 down payment
  • $60 to $119 = $30 down payment
  • $120 to $299 = $50 down payment
  • $300+ = $75 down payment

After the down payment, I can then begin on the drawing. Clients will received their completed drawing once all payments for the drawing is received.

“My commission looks too pricey to afford it all right now, is there a way to not pay for it all at once?“

Yes! I will quote you an estimate price based on your commission details. After the down payment, we can negotiate a payment plan that is fit for you and i can set the invoice to the payment plan option.