Lonesome Dave Fisher

Lonesome Dave Fisher is a rockabilly artist from Lockhart TX, and a father of two grown daughters and two sons in middle school. As the youngest son in a travelling family, he tagged along to the radio stations where his older brother and father both worked in San Antonio and Austin and attended shows in dance halls and outdoor festivals such as Willie Nelson’s 4th of July picnic. In his junior high years, he attended both country music fan conventions and arena rock concerts in Nashville. 

In high school, he jumped onstage with a guitar or bass any chance he could- first with young punk bands in the Detroit area, then later with Tejano bands outside of little Temple, Texas. 

Returning to Austin as an adult, he toured the southern states with his surf trio The Swanktones opening for many national acts including Reverend Horton Heat, Agent Orange, and the Beach Boys. 

He fronted a classic country cover group before working as a lead guitarist, mandolin player, and bassist for various rock, blues, and country bands in Austin.  He’s been leading his own group and performing his own original songs as Lonesome Dave Fisher since 2007, performing in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Austria and Malta.

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