Art and Tidal Flats
Art and Tidal Flatsは、干潟で自然と芸術の関係性を考えるアーティストと研究者によるプロジェクトです。2020年に東京湾の干潟を中心としたリサーチを始めました。干潮時に露出する広大な塩性湿地である干潟は、その潮汐による干出と水没の繰り返しによって、海水中に大量の酸素を供給し、バクテリアを活性化させ、有機物の分解を促進する作用があります。近年は再生・保全の流れを生み出している場所もありますが、その干潟の多くは埋め立てや護岸整備によって失われました。東京湾を例にするならば、現存する自然干潟は当初の10%程度だと言われています。
Art and Tidal Flats is a project by artists and researchers to explore the relationship between nature and art on tidal flats. We started our research in 2020 mainly on the tidal flats of Tokyo Bay. Tidal flats, vast salt marshes exposed at low tide, provide large amounts of oxygen to the seawater through their repeated tidal ebb and flow, activating bacteria and promoting the decomposition of organic matter. In recent years, some natural tidal flats have been restored and preserved, but many have been lost due to land reclamation and seawall construction. Taking Tokyo Bay as an example, the natural tidal flats existing today are only about 10% of the original according to a report by the research institute.
Even on the few remaining natural tidal flats, various construction projects have been planned and canceled since modernization. So far, however, the topography and environment appear to have been maintained. We, too, hope to prevent further loss of tidal flats, and our project is not for development. However, we would like to think about tidal flats from a standpoint that is neither of these, rather than just watching the outcome of plans and cancellations in the absence of art. We will conceive through encounters and observations of the organisms, vegetation, materials, and landforms in tidal flats and consider the relationships and possibilities of art in this particular environment.
The information provided here is based on the conditions when we visit. We recommend that you have sufficient knowledge of the wetlands and wear appropriate equipment when observing the tidal flats. Each site is managed by the prefectural or municipal government. We will not take full responsibility for any injuries or accidents related to your visit.