Voxel Space

Inspired by Vessel by Thomas Heatherwick and Heatherwick Studio at Hudson Yards, featuring a spiral staircase with 2,500 steps and 80 landings offering city views, with modifications.

In the design exploration, (1) lines are crafted to resemble a helix and then transformed into polylines. (2) These polylines are mirrored, producing four distinct modules. (3) Four unique rotation values are set, offering four potential outcomes. (4) An axis, not perpendicular to the Z-axis, imparts a twisting dynamic. (5) Using computational techniques, these forms undergo a Multi Pipe process and are abstracted to geometries like a Mesh. (6) Each mesh's bounding box is integrated with Voxel Grid and Voxelate Geometry. (7) Finally, nodes are projected onto a Construction Plane, emerging as support columns.

VS 01

VS 02

VS 03

VS 04


Algorithmic Design, Architecture, Architectural Design, Art, Computation, Computational Design, Computational Thinking, Design Exploration, Grasshopper, Parametric Architecture, Parametric Design, Rhino. [all keywords]