Self Assessment Tools
Some not so fun facts...
(you can read it all here: It’s time to get serious about resident wellness)
the rate of depression jumps 5-fold within the first few months of residency (study of more than 20,000 trainees in the Intern Health Study)
half of trainees meet criteria for depression at least once during their intern year — and rates of anxiety, burnout, and suicidal thoughts rise dramatically as well
As training continues, rates of depression remain elevated, with about 1 out of 4 residents screening positive for depression at any given time during residency
Telomeres, a cellular marker of aging, shorten 5 times as much during internship
Research also links compromised physician well-being to medical errors and poorer quality patient care.
research indicates that residents and clinicians spend twice as much time with computers as with patients,
female interns experience a much greater increase in depression than male interns,
effects of poor physician well-being on workforce attrition and decreased productivity cost health care systems roughly $15,000 to $20,000 per physician every year.