Presentations & Workshops

I am a firm believer that we are better when we take the opportunity to learn from one another. Collaborating and sharing resources is a great way to reflect on our practice as well as spark conversations around best practices when working with students and other educators. I have been fortunate to have the privilege of sharing my work in the classroom with other Educators in Ontario.

 Below are some of the presentations that I've done. Take a look and touch base if you're interested in finding out more information.

The New Google Sites is here and available for everyone! 

Here is the link to the site that I created.

In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to build your own site and check out some of the great features that make the new sites more user-friendly. 

Also, you will be able to see how students are using the sites in their classroom as portfolios and to share their passions with the world.

Breakouts and Escape Rooms are all the rage these days. 

In this workshop, you will learn how to use Google Slides and/or Sites to create your own fun and interactive breakout for students to demonstrate their knowledge about a unit or a particular area of study. 

Canada 150

Statistics Canada confirmed that in 2014, over 2.7 million Canadians were self-employed. The reality for our students is that many will choose to create their own careers by means of Entrepreneurship. Some of the jobs or careers they will embark upon haven’t yet been created or even thought of. Entrepreneurial Thinking is a mindset fuelled by the desire to solve problems and create effective solutions. In this workshop, learn how to use the tools of E-thinking and Inquiry to engage students in identifying and solving authentic problems through the incorporation of STEM. Learn the “why” behind class projects and the value that can come from using the elements of e-thinking in rich tasks. As educators, we have the ability to support our students by equipping them with the skills to identify problems, create incredible solutions through STEM and possibly change the world. Why not start now?

Innovation and Collaboration Through Entrepreneurial Thinking and G Suite Edu

Looking to get started with the G Suite for Education tools but need a refresher on how to use them effectively?  Take a look at this presentation that was part of a session that I facilitated as a Digital Lead Learner. 

You'll find all of the tips and tools on what can be done using this amazing suite of tools in your classroom.

Getting Started with G Suite for Education

Interested in trying out coding in the classroom. This presentation is from a session that I did for teachers who were somewhat new to coding and were looking for ways to get started with their students. Take a look.

Hour of Code

Interested in Design Thinking in your classroom? In this session, you'll walk through the Engineering Design Process in order to create a solution to a real-world problem.


Twitter is a powerful tool for connecting across our board, Ontario & beyond. In this session, learn how we might be able to leverage this tool to build an online community of educators who are looking to share and learn together to improve practice to ensure greater student success, well-being and achievement.

Leveraging Twitter to Connect, Share & Learn in TDSB & Beyond

My students, Principal and I were honoured to be asked to speak about the Global Competencies in a video shared at Unleashing Learning 2018.

Here is a snippet of the video that was shared across the district.

Creating Art with Google Drawings

ETFO ICT Conference 2023

It’s been said that Google Drawings is the ultimate blank canvas. In this session, participants used the tools in Google Drawings to create a work of art and explore meaningful uses for the classroom. Whether working with primary, junior or intermediate students, participants found something in this session that they could take back to the classroom and implement. 

Creating Art with Google Drawings Summary.pdf

Looking for something specific that you want to learn more about related to G(oogle) Suite for Education, Mindfulness or Design Thinking

Feel free to reach out to see how I might be able to tailor a specific session to meet your needs.