October 2017

October 5, 2017

We started the week with a field trip to the EDIT Academy. Students were introduced to the Global Goals and saw different ways in which people and organizations around the world are contributing towards making the world a better place through the achievement of these goals. The hope is that as the year progresses, students will see design challenges and ideas as ways in which to powerfully change the world for the better. In Science, we have been working on hurricane solutions and took bit of a break last week to do a tower challenge where we had to create the tallest and most sturdy tower using 15 straws, a meter of tape, a meter of string and an elastic band. Students - and teachers - got really creative and we will continue to see how we might use this information as we study the forces that act on structures to create even better solutions.

In French, we started a new unit on food. The goal is that as we learn about the different vocabulary, we will be able to write short sentences about what we eat and our preferences.

In Math we continued our unit on Data Management. Students worked towards generating questions that they hope to ask the school in order to make improvements. Questions ranged from, "Should we have AC in the gym?" to "Would you like to have buddy benches in the school yard?". Stay tuned to see how we'll use the data collected to make Shaughnessy an even better place.

In Language, we have been working on continuing writing our narratives and on self and peer editing. Next week, we'll be creating a checklist to better guide us when we are editing our work and helping out our peers.

This week, our new Co-op Student started working with us. Her name is Victoria and she will be working with us until the end of May. We're really excited to have the chance to work with her as she helps to support our learning.

Shaughnessy's WE Scare Hunger Food Drive is starting soon! Stay tuned for more information! Please remember that Friday is a PA Day and that Monday is Thanksgiving. I hope that you have a restful long weekend.

October 13, 2017

A short week but we packed in so much learning!

We started off the week with a reading test - CASI. Students were asked to read a narrative and to answer questions related to summarizing, the main idea and comprehension. This will be used to help direct our learning in reading and as we begin our Guided Reading groups.

In Math, we spent the week working on survey questions and interpreting the data collected. Students were asked to draw a bar graph and to analyze the data, along with giving feedback to their peers during a Gallery Walk. Once they received their feedback, they were asked to make improvements and reflect on their work. One area that will be of focus for us next week is the interpretation of the data. Students will be asked some of the following questions as they analyze data from the graphs that they shared last week:

  • What is the graph about?
  • What information does it tell us?
  • What does this mean?
  • What should we do with this data?
  • Who might care to see this? Why?

In Science, we continued to dig deeper into what makes a strong foundation for buildings and how we might be able to us that information as we work to create hurricane solutions. There was a lot of research happening and we're back to building again next Tuesday.

We ended off the week talking about Growth Mindset and how we can learn from challenges when we are faced with. Our Co-op Student Victoria helped us with a pixel art activity where we had to consider how we might use value to create the illusion of depth. It was a great challenge and below, you'll find some of our examples. On Friday, we also used tangrams to create different items both with concrete materials and online. It was interesting to see how students used their spatial sense to navigate the challenges presented to them.

In French, we continued with our writing about food and students were asked to write about the food that they ate on Thursday in a paragraph, following a model. Next week, we'll get into creating Venn Diagrams about the foods that we do and do not like and we'll also be tying this work into our Data Management in Math.

Our WE Scare Hunger Campaign is on starting Monday! Please consider donating non-perishable food items which will be given to the North York Harvest Food Bank for distribution. Next week we will also be starting a STEM Club for all Shaughnessy students. The application can be found at bit.ly/ShaughnesySTEMClub. We have a special guest visitor coming in on next Friday! Have a great weekend & we'll see you next week.

October 20, 2017

Lots of learning for both me and the students this week.

Daily, we hear the TDSB Land Acknowledgement. I can certainly recite it by heart but what does it really mean? Who are the Indigenous Peoples that it refers to? What is a treaty? What is the Toronto Purchase? This week, we began taking a closer the meaning of the land acknowledgement and researched the indigenous groups and treaties. Treaties recognition week is coming up at the beginning of November. We will be digging even deeper into it then.

In Literacy, we are finishing our unit on narratives. Students were asked to write another narrative showing their learning of the elements of a narrative. Do I ever have some creative and imaginative students! From stories of adventure with unicorns to mysterious happenings with friends, I am enjoying reading many of them. They are due next week. In the next couple of weeks, we'll have students sharing their favourite stories with one another in a Reader's Café.

In Math, we continued to look at graphs as we prepare for our quiz coming up on Monday, October 30th. We focused this week on interpreting graphs and understanding that as we interpret the information, it should cause us to act or gain a deeper understanding. Students will be offered a study sheet for next week's quiz should they need something to practice this weekend.

This week was Diwali! Ayla was the teacher and shared with us the significance and meaning of Diwali. As we learned about this festival of lights, students were tasked with creating a lantern with their groups using cardstock and circuit materials. Some beautiful creations were made. Special thanks to Ayla for being an amazing teacher who helped us along in our learning!

We capped off the week with a visit from MPP Michael Coteau. Students had the chance to research the MPP and decided on a series of questions that they wished to ask as they learned a little more about the government and its function.

Our WE Act Club's WE Scare Hunger Campaign is on until the end of the month. Please consider donating to this important cause. This week, we decorated boxes for the front lobby and created a display. We also took the time to consider who might be using food banks and ended up in a conversation about a $15 minimum wage and whether or not even $15/hr would be enough for a family to live on.

October 27, 2017

Just a few more days before our first Math Quiz! This week, students investigated double bar graphs and interpreted a graph about causes of bullying in middle and high schools. They were surprised at how much information they were able to gather when looking at data from 2 different demographics on 1 graph. In Math we also jumped into a new unit on Patterning. Students were asked to create and describe a pattern with 5 terms, where term 3 has a value of 10. After creating their solutions and writing the rule of their patterns, they were asked to give feedback for other groups so that they could go back and improve on their solutions. As we continue the year, we will be working on reflecting on our work through self-, peer-, and teacher feedback.

In French, we worked on using our vocabulary to ask others what food items they like and to complete a Venn Diagram with a partner. Next week we will begin working on a short skit - La salade des fruits - that we will work on with a partner. Presentations will be starting at the end of the month so students are encouraged to practice reading their plays aloud.

The fantastic stories are coming in! As students finish their stories, we are beginning a new unit on Biographies. Students learned that biographies are written informational texts describing important events about someone else's life. I've asked students to research people who are currently have an impact - in a positive way - in our world. They have been researching change makers and are responsible for completing a graphic organizer that we will use to share this information with others.

Science is moving along smoothly as we build our hurricane solutions. It's encouraging to see students helping each other as they find creative ways in which to use found materials. Reflection on the process and the creation of pitches will be the next step in our Engineering Design Process. Stay tuned!