Current Projects

Autonomous Multi-Robot Visual Monitoring for Urban, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Management

The project addresses fundamental research to develop novel autonomous and adaptive monitoring systems for natural resources across large spatio-temporal scales using networks of aerial robots equipped with visual sensors. The robots will be able to autonomously adapt to the observed phenomena and to multiple, often conflicting, time-varying constraints and mission specifications, greatly improving the precision of the collected data, and allowing spatio-temporal scalability. This is achieved by considering tradeoffs between visual sensing, real-time trajectory planning, decision making, and system optimization.

Key research topics addressed by ARCS:

  • Multi-robot information gathering

  • Multi-agent decision making

  • Field testing and evaluation


Efficient Collaborative Perception over Controllable Agent Networks

The goal of this project is to create the knowledge to facilitate effective and efficient collaborative perception on top of a set of independent and multi-modal data generating agents. The project studies how to jointly model social and sensor data and use this modeling to efficiently support spatio-temporal queries on the joint embedding space. In addition to mapping information from multi-modal disparate sources to a common information space, the project studies how to optimize the attention routing of controllable agents like UAVs to maximize the reliability and coverage of the collected information.

Key research topics addressed by ARCS:

  • Multi-robot dynamic task allocation

  • Coordinated active sensing

  • Prototype development and evaluation


Extracting Dynamics from Limited Data for Modeling and Control of Unmanned Autonomous Systems

This project investigates the mechanisms that uncertainties in robot-environment interactions affect (small) robot behavior. Small robot motion is more stochastic since errors at the actuators and uncertain interactions with the environment amplify errors in pose. The goal is to introduce a platform-agnostic, data-driven modeling framework to quantify uncertainty and subsequently exploit it via control for reliable robot navigation under uncertainty. The specific aims are to: 1) extract dynamics using limited data for modeling uncertain systems; 2) synthesize uncertainty-aware model-based controllers based on derived reduced-order models; and 3) test and validate theoretical analysis and derived models and control algorithms with aerial, ground, and marine robots. Spectral methods are used to extract spatio-temporal dynamics and to quantify uncertainty. A model-reference adaptive control scheme utilizes extracted dynamics and uncertainty for reliable robot navigation. While the basic principles developed in this research are grounded on small robots, this project's findings may generalize to larger robots with limited sensing and noisy actuation.


Integrated Perception and Planning in Resilient Multi-Modal, Multi-Agent Networks

This project focuses on foundational principles that enable integrated sensing and analysis in large-scale, multi-modal, multi-agent networks with weak supervision, leading to reliable decision-making in complex, dynamic and uncertain environments while being resilient to adversarial interactions. This overarching goal is achieved through the integration of 1) learning multi-agent, multi-modal models with limited supervision and 2) enabling reliable decision making in collaborative and decentralized robotic teams. The project's tasks involve solid theoretical analysis and algorithm development, e.g., optimization strategies, computational complexity, performance bounds, etc., and are complemented with a rigorous evaluation.

Key research topics addressed by ARCS:

  • Data-driven robot motion planning and control

  • Resilient stochastic motion planning

  • Intelligent decision making under uncertainty


Mobile Robotic Lab for In-Situ Sampling and Measurement

The goal of this project is to develop and deploy heterogeneous teams of autonomous robots (specifically, aerial and ground robots) to enable frequent and dense sampling in the field. The motivating hypothesis is that an increase in sampling density and frequency can indicate noticeable spatiotemporal variability in water potential that would remain otherwise undetected because of insufficient sampling resolution. To this end, the project incorporates 1) development of robotized pressure chamber, 2) visual sensing for accurate determination of leaf water potential, 3) multi-robot coordination and planning, and 4) extensive field testing and evaluation across multiple crop species.

Key research topics addressed by ARCS:

  • Mechanism design for robotic in-situ leaf sampling and analysis

  • Multi-robot task allocation and field exploration/mapping

  • In-field testing and evaluation

2021-67022-33453 (NRI)

Labor and Automation in California Agriculture (LACA): Equity, Productivity & Resilience

[Description Coming Soon]

Key research topics addressed by ARCS:

  • Sustainable agricultural robotics and technology development

  • Field experimentation and testing

UC MRPI 2021 Program

CAREER: Morphological Computation for Resilient Dynamic Locomotion of Compliant Legged Robots with Application to Precision Agriculture

The project investigates how compliance embedded into a legged robot can be harnessed to facilitate control and computation, with an eye to enabling efficient and resilient navigation in real agricultural fields. Research activities innovate along three key foundational robotics research directions. 1) Hardware design and dynamic modeling: The project offers fundamental insights and develops models regarding the effect of various forms of compliance on center of mass motion and gait stabilization for certain classes of legged robots and introduces new hardware designs that can harness compliance and enable principles of morphological computation. 2) Locomotion control: The project establishes compliance-aware legged locomotion controllers according to principles of whole-body and central pattern generator-based control to enable efficient closed-loop legged locomotion over a range of engineered and natural unstructured terrains. 3) Non-holonomic motion planning and autonomous navigation: The project develops non-holonomic motion planners that rely upon and utilize distinctive features of robot body morphology and embedded compliance for efficiency and resilience during autonomous legged locomotion over real agricultural fields. This research can transform the science and technology of autonomous legged robots by making them more efficient and resilient in their operation, and thus unlock legged robots' full potential in precision agriculture.


NRI: Integrated Soft Wearable Robotics Technology to Assist Arm Movement of Infants with Physical Impairments

[Description Coming Soon]

Key research topics addressed by ARCS:

  • [To be added soon]
