
Physical Space

The ARCS Lab extends both on main campus and at UCR’s College of Engineering Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT).  On main campus, the lab is housed in an approximately 1,200 sq. ft. of shared space with dedicated desks for six students and an open area for experiments.  The ARCS Lab also extends to an approximately 1,000 sq. ft. lab space dedicated to experimentation and robot rapid prototyping.  This facility is housed at CE-CERT, just a few minutes away from main campus.  Both labs on main campus and at CE-CERT are equipped with motion capture to offer accurate localization and ground truth data for testing and validation prior to deployment in outdoor settings.  The facility on main campus is instrumented with a 16ft L. x 12ft W. x 7ft H. indoor 10-camera VICON motion capture system.  The facility at CE-CERT includes a 23ft L. x 29ft W. x 10ft H. indoor 12-camera VICON motion capture system.

Rapid Prototyping Equipment

ARCS Lab's "Manufacturing Corner" currently features the following rapid prototyping capabilities/equipment:

This equipment is used to construct a multitude of robotic prototypes like impact-resilient aerial and ground robots, mid-sized quadrupeds, foldable ultra-lightweight legged robots, soft robots, hybrid 3D-printed and laser-cut educational robots, various automation devices, as well as a number of support structures required for development and testing at very fast rates.


Our group designs, fabricates, and tests small-to-medium-scale legged robot prototypes with various compliant and soft parts through metal and carbon fiber machining, 3D printing, laser cutting, and casting. Two such prototypes currently used in our research program are shown here. Current manufacturing capabilities also now extend to design and fabrication of aerial robots, collision-resilient wheeled robots, soft wearable robots, as well as devices for biological matter transport and devices to interact with tree-crops in precision agriculture.


Beyond in-house built robots, the ARCS lab features several commercially-available robots.  Currently, these include:

Shared Resources

Besides these resources, the ARCS lab has access to new shared instrumentation housed within the College's Center for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (CRIS).  The physical space in CRIS contains a 26ft L. x 26ft W. x 7ft H. indoor 8-camera Optitrack motion capture system.  It also contains a range of diverse robots: