About APRU
About APRU
As a network of leading universities linking the Americas, Asia and Australasia, APRU (the Association of Pacific Rim Universities) brings together thought leaders, researchers, and policy-makers to exchange ideas and collaborate on effective solutions to the challenges of the 21st century.
We leverage collective education and research capabilities of our members into the international public policy process. In the post-pandemic era, our strategic priorities focus on:
1. providing a neutral platform for high-level policy dialogue,
2. taking actions on climate change, and
3. supporting diversity, inclusion, and minorities.
APRU’s primary activities support these strategic priorities with a focus on key areas such as disaster risk reduction, women in leadership, indigenous knowledge, virtual student exchange, e-sports, population aging, global health, sustainable cities, artificial intelligence, waste management and more.
Multi-Hazards Program
APRU and the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) at Tohoku University launched the APRU-IRIDeS Multi-Hazards (MH) Program in April 2013 to mark the second anniversary of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The MH Program builds upon the strengths of APRU Multi-Hazards Symposia over the past decade in countries spanning the Pacify Ring of Fire. IRIDeS provides secretariat services and overall program coordination as the regional program hub to the MH Program.
The Pacific Rim region is subject to high risks of natural disasters and the universities and research institutions in the region are expected to contribute to reducing disaster vulnerability and risks and strengthening disaster management capacity to tackle these challenges. The main objectives of this Program are to harness the collective capacities of APRU universities for cutting-edge research on disaster risk reduction (DRR) and to contribute to international policy-making processes to steadily improve DRR.
For more information about Multi-Hazards Program please visit here
APRU Members
APRU Membership is comprised of leading universities from 19 economies of the Pacific Rim known worldwide for their academic and research excellence.
60 Universities
19 Economies of the Pacific Rim
More than 2 Million Students
More than 200,000 Faculty Members
More than 280 Nobel Laureates
Most High-cited Researcher in Pacific Rim
More than 10 Million Alumni
More information on:
Contact the International Secretariat of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities.
Address: APRU International University Centre, Unit 902, Cyberport 2, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Email: info@apru.org
Telephone: +852 2117 7060
Fax: +852 2117 7077