
Last Edit: February 10, 2022

Get the largest value of a number in a list

Get the smallest value of a number in a list

newNumber can be any super large number used for testing.

Generate a random rainbow color

Generate a random password with special characters (from here)

Reversing and shuffling a list

Reverse and TitleCase Without Extension

I used the TextUtils extension for quite a while, but interestingly found that it can be replaced with built-in blcoks for the Reverse and TitleCase blocks. Somehow, the App Inventor system has a built-in reverse string block, but if you would like to take the challenge, here it is.

Get a list of keys from value (extension-free)

Removing duplicates, copying list several times and delete random item in list (extension-free)

Making and splitting colors

If you have ever ran a Do It for the split color block, you will get a list with 3 or 4 items.

The first 3 items are required, representing the RGB values - R for the first item, G for the second item and B for the third item. The list is used to make colors on the Internet. Each color has its unique RGB value. The last item is optional, which represents the alpha value of the color, with default 100.

For more information, visit the documentation.

Pick Random Items With(out) Duplicated Items

This picks returns a list of random items from the given list, given how many items it should pick at least. If the list is empty, it will add the item itemIfListBecomesEmpty for numberofItems times. Specify whether the returned list can return duplicated items by specifying itemsCanRepeat, although the itemIfListBecomesEmpty can still repeat.

In the code below, the list must return a list with a "2", a "1" and a "4".

Delete random items in list and add items in random positions