My Extensions


These are the extensions that I have made for App Inventor. They may or may not work on other distributions, such as Kodular. I try my best to include the extensions that I have published in the Community to here. Enjoy, and also pay attention to the Terms & Conditions of the extension that you are downloading - they may differ.

🏷️ Tags: #extensions 

Extensions List

1 - Beautify, an extension that beautifies components.

2 - Blink, an extension to apply blink animations to a visible component.

3 - ClickTool, an extension to detect clicks and long clicks from components.

4 - ComponentUtil, an extension that provides additional tools to visible components, such as Label or Button.

5 - DaffyDialog, an extension that provides additional tools to the built-in Notifier component.

6 - Decimal2Fraction to convert a decimal to a fraction.

7 - Device (extension) extension to get some information or parse some data of your device.

8 - FadeAnimation, a non-visible extension to add fade in/out animations to your components.

9 - FontTypeface, an extension to set fonts for visible components dynamically.

10 - HtmlLoader, an extension to load HTML content without uploading it in the assets folder.

11 - ImageUtil, additional tools to the original Image component.

12 - JsonToDictionaries to decode JSON text into dictionaries.

13 - MyToast to show toasts on the user's screen.

14 - Network extension which retrieves the network state under API 28.

15 - QR extension to generate a link that leads to a QR code.

16 - Screenshot, an extension to take screenshots.

17 - SharingX, additional tools to the original Sharing component.

18 - TextboxUtil, additional tools to the original TextBox component.

19 - TextChanged, an extension to detect changes of the text of your components.

20 - ViewUtil, an extension to convert a component to an image.

21 - WebViewProgress, an extension to detect the progress of a WebViewer.

22 - WebViewerUtil, additional tools to the original WebViewer component.

🛠️ Notes

Help Center

Q1: I would like to use one of your extensions in a university project and an app competition. Can I do it?

A1: Please contact me, either a message in MIT App Inventor/Niotron community or an email. Tell me your name and purpose so that I can grant you permission to do that!

© Gordon Lu             📧 E-mail     💬 Message