App Inventor Servers

Published on December 21, 2021

This list shows a list of servers you can use to code with MIT App Inventor. Some are different versions, while some are similar.

🏷️ Tags: #libraries

  1. This is the server we use regularly.

  2. This server is the second popular server. The difference from the regular one is that you can log in not only with Google, but also with a code (it is kind of like a password). This is why users refer it as the code server. However, some features that are added in the AI2 server are not available in this code server.

  3. This is a server rarely mentioned, but it has more features and more functions that the AI2 server. For example, it has SensorDB, BatterySensor, RunningApplications, and more!

  4. This server is used to test the next version of MIT App Inventor.

  5. This is an outdated version of App Inventor, it only has additional components. Its phone view, blocks designs and components are even before nb178. Also, at the bottom, you see a line of text:

Warning: This service is no longer actively supported. Consider exporting your projects_

Also, Ewan Patton, lead software engineer, mentioned in this post:

The AR (Augmented Reality) server was an experimental service set up for a student's master thesis. It required a special iOS companion that was never made public. This server is intended only for research purposes and not meant for general use_

Hence, it is not recommended to use this server.

  1. This server is also outdated and used before release nb176. The purpose to use this server is to convert App Inventor apps to Java.

  2., which has the built-in component GoogleSheets in Storage. Read this post to learn more.

  3., which has the component AbsoluteArrangement.

  4., a deprecated server that was used to test extension functionality. Now that extensions work in App Inventor, there is no need to use this test server.

If you find any other servers, feel free to contact me!