Host Connectivity

Duet Display : For use with a smartphone and host - either Windows 10 or Apple Mac

This is a link to the Duet Display 'Help' pages [which for some reason or other does not seem to have a link / menu on their site] and this is a link to their Home screen] from which you can download their software for your Host computer.

This is a link to the Windows Central support page that explains how to configure and use multiple monitors.

Additional Screen for your host computer

This Duet Display App is listed separately because of it's unusual nature which is to extend the capability of your computer by adding another screen. Unlike most other Apps featured at this site this one does have to be purchased so it depends upon how much you like / want it's functionality.

It has been developed by ex Apple employees and works with Android and iOS Smartphones to access a host computer that is currently either a Windows 10 or Apple Mac.

N.B. Contact with the support team is easy and they are quick to respond. When asked about the possibility of developing connectivity to a Linux host and they said it is not planned at present but may follow later - resources permitting. They also furnished some useful links that are available below.

Set Up:

The host requires you to install a free component that when activated will allow you to connect to the screen of your second device.

The linked device can then use the App to start programs on the host PC that display on the local screen providing similar features as those provided by a Win 10 device that supports touch screen controls.

N.B. During set up you can optionally create an account with them to receive Newsletters etc.

Populating 2nd Screen

Just click and drag the title bar of your Windows Apps across the edge of your computer's screen to relocate them on your new Duet Display.


Used the App on Pixel 2 and Pixel Slate - both manage to connect and display the Windows 10 desktop.

Both can launch the Win 10 quick start icons that appear along the bottom of the connected screen as they appear on the actual Win 10 desktop. Any desktop icons appearing on the host do not appear on the screen of the connected device - this was confirmed as being correct by the support team.

If a program is launched on the main PC then the Smartphone App is not aware and continues to display only the Windows 10 desktop with nothing related to the program that was just launched.

When a program is launched with the Smartphone App on the connected device then it appears on it’s screen and not on that of the main PC. In this case all touch screen capabilities normally available under Win 10 are available on the connected device.

Notes from Support

Duet Display does not work any differently than any other additional monitor for your PC except that you can use your a phone or tablet [Pixel Slate, iPad etc.] and utilise touch screen functionality.

You can choose to either use it as extended display (that means 2 different monitors) or just to mirror your display (which will only show the same contents as you can see on your PC's display), it is up to your preference or needs as to how you use it.

When using it as an extended display you can drag and drop files and windows between both displays, once again, this is like a second desktop monitor for your PC.

You can, for example, run 2 apps side by side each occupying their own screen.

If you decide to disconnect the Duet Display App anything showing on the connected device will move back to your PC's display automatically.

There are different help articles to which you can refer:

- Installation for Android devices - see page >> Getting Started: Android Support

N.B. The above link contains some very important information entitled CONNECT DUET that is, surprisingly, not shown on the pages below to which it is closely related.

It is reproduced in the CONNECT DUET section as Windows / Android users should be aware of the content before proceeding.

- Connect Duet with a USB cable from Android To PC - see page >> Connect Android To PC Via Cable

- Connecting Duet with WiFi on Android - see page >> Connecting to Duet for Android wirelessly

If you have any other questions or any specific use-cases you have doubts about, please do not hesitate to write back and we will be happy to help!


To connect Duet, open the app on your Android device and make sure it is open on your desktop – you should see the icon in the system tray at the top right of your Mac or on the bottom right of your PC.


In order to establish a wireless connection between your Android device and your desktop, follow these steps.

[The above link is a repeat of the Connecting to Duet for Android wirelessly shown in above section.]


Connecting via cable is also possible – note, however, there's a few things to consider:

  • While ChromeOS supports wireless connection, it DOES NOT support wired connection against both macOS and Windows – this is due to hardware limitations.
  • Android tablets support wired connection against macOS – however, for the time being, this is not available for Windows.
  • Android phones support wired connection against macOS. This is also available on Windows, but requires following these steps about software settings link with USB.

[The above link is a repeat of the Connect Android To PC Via Cable shown in above section.]