Dr. Shang Ming Wang


Universidad Carendal Herrera CEU, Degrado de Ododonlogía (Dentistry) 

National Yang-Ming University, PhD candidate in Neuroscience Institute. 

Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Master in Neuroscience Departmen 

Tzu Chi University, Hualien, B.A. in Life Science major 

APLI Asia-Pacific Laser Medicine Conference 7th Director and Chairman of the Information Development Committee

Dean of Ji-Kang Esthetics Dental Clinic 


In the daily dental live, aesthetic issue becomes more important.  The porcelain is widely used for the tooth reconstruction not only because of the good biocompatibility, but also the aesthetic appearance. Compare to the metal ceramic crown,  whole ceramic crown are more expansive to patients. In endodontic treatment, the SOP is to break the crown or make a whole for the processing to the pup chamber. The economic problem become the main issue for the patients “not” to choose better material for crown or restoration material- ceramic. Today, I want to share my daily dental live with Er. YAG laser to make patients tend to choose ceramic crown more than the metal ceramic crown for better final result.