Dr. Huang Wan Teng

Bachelor of Dentistry, Zhongshan Medical College

Taipei Medical University Master's Doctoral Program

Ph.D., West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University

American doctor of natural medicine

Enzhugong Hospital Attending Physician

Former Chairman of Taiwan World Society of Clinical Laser Medicine

Director and editor-in-chief of the Oral Laser Medicine Association of the Republic of China Director of the Asia-Pacific Medical Alliance

Director of Miramar Dental Clinic


This presentation explores the potential benefits of Er:YAG laser therapy in the treatment of periodontal and implant diseases. The use of Er:LBRT, a novel laser technique, has shown promising results in promoting bone regeneration and eliminating the need for traditional barrier membranes. Additionally, non-surgical laser debridement has shown positive effects on tissue regeneration, making it an effective adjunctive therapy to scaling and root planning. The study concludes that laser therapy is a reliable and effective treatment for periodontal disease, with important clinical significance for promoting periodontal tissue regeneration and oral health. Future studies can continue to explore the potential application range and effects of Er:YAG laser therapy to further expand its clinical use. Overall, laser therapy presents a promising avenue for improving periodontal and implant treatment outcomes.

Keywords: Er:YAG, Er:LBRT, non-surgical laser debridement, non-traditional barrier membranes, tissue regeneration