Dr. Huang Chin-Chung

Director of Asia Pacific Laser Institute

Master of Science in Implantology and Dental Surgery of IMC

Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Department of Endodontics and Conservative Dentistry

Registered dentist in Spain

Specialist of Asia Pacific Laser Institute

Specialist of Academy of Taiwan International Oral Implantologists


Er:YAG Laser assisted dental implant surgery 


This presentation is aimed to introduce effective methods of using Er:YAG Laser throughout the dental implant surgery. It’s a harmless method to operate soft tissue, including incision, periosteum relieve, soft tissue tension relieve before wound closure, as well as the tissue bandage application. Not only soft tissue, but also hard tissue is a good receptor for Er:YAG laser treatment. Bone decortication for guided bone regeneration, flatten the irregular bone surface, or excess bone removal on implant second stage surgery are all available to use Er:YAG laser therapy. To sum up, from the very beginning of incision to the end of wound closing, Er:YAG laser is able to assist the whole process safely by the variant setting modes with well-trained clinical manipulation. By the way, Er:YAG laser is the most conservative treatment to periimplantitis, and that will be another story to be continued.