Dr. Jiten Vaghela & Akshay Patel

- Dental Technician with 10+ year's experience

- Guided Surgery & CAD/CAM specialist

- Technical support for UK customers

- Manager of R2Gate UK

- International Lecturer/Speaker (Guided Surgery & Digital Dentistry)

Akshay received his diploma in Dental Technology in 2010. He was quickly introduced to the CAD/CAM world and was fascinated by its potential. Following 8 years as a CAD/CAM technician, in 2018 Akshay moved to Mega’Gen Implants UK & Ireland establishing and managing the R2Gate Centre, with the sole purpose of providing high quality dental appliances / components / knowledge to dental professionals. 

In 2020 Akshay was invited to become a MINEC Knight, with the aim of spreading knowledge and inspiration. Together with fellow MINEC members he has been able to provide support to other R2Centres around the world.