Program Overview
Peak Players Productions
The Apex Peak Players produce three mainstage shows each year, two all school and one advanced class production. The fall play alternates between comedy and drama every other year, and goes up in late October or early November. The musical goes up in early March and the Theatre III-IV advanced class production goes up in May.
Theatre Arts Courses
Apex High School offers a comprehensive theatre education following the NC Course of Study
Theatre Arts I (Beginning) - Students will learn and practice the fundamentals of acting, pantomime, improvisation, scene study, technical theatre, and theatre history - There is no prerequisite for this course. Students who have prior theatre experience may audition for placement in Theatre II.
Theatre Arts II (Intermediate) - Students will broaden and deepen acting skills, including a study of improvisation, partner scenes, viewpoints, Shakespeare and Children's Theatre. Prerequisites include a C or higher in Beginning Theatre Arts.
Theatre Arts III (Honors, Proficient) - Students will focus on Shakespeare, contemporary scene study, action based character development, viewpoints and stage a full scale production. Prerequisites include a B or higher in Intermediate Theatre Arts and Instructor Permission.
Theatre Arts IV (Honors, Advanced) - Students will focus on Shakespeare, fundamentals of directing, contemporary scene study, action based character development, Viewpoints and stage a full scale production. Prerequisites include a B or higher in Proficient Theatre arts and Instructor Permission.
Technical Theatre I (Beginning) - Students will learn the fundamentals of technical theatre including set design and construction, lighting, sound, props, stage management, and costuming. There is no prerequisite for this course.
Technical Theatre II (Intermediate) - Students will expand their knowledge in the different areas of technical theatre, focusing on practical exploration and application of one or more specific areas of technical theatre. Students will take on more responsibility with extracurricular productions by participating in after-school shop hours (5 per quarter). Prerequisites include a C or higher in Beginning Technical Theatre.
Technical Theatre III (Honors, Proficient) - Students will expand their knowledge and experience in their specialized area(s) of technical theatre through practical application as they work on design and production for full scale mainstage productions. They will will develop leadership skills through peer mentoring and working on a crew for a mainstage production. Outside of class hours are required for this course. Prerequisites include a B or higher in Intermediate Technical Theatre and instructor permission.
International Thespian Society Troupe 6028
Apex HS is the home of Thespian Troupe 6028. Students earn points toward membership by participating in Peak Players Productions. Each year upperclassmen may attend the NC Thespian Festival.