Theatre Arts Classes
Class Schedule
1st Period - Theatre Arts I (Beginning) - No Prerequisite
2nd Period - Planning
3rd Period - Theatre Arts I (Beginning) - No Prerequisite
4th Period - Theatre Arts II (Intermediate) - You must pass Theatre I with a grade of 75 or higher, or you may attend auditions for Theatre II in the spring semester.
1st Period - Theatre Arts I (Beginning) - No Prerequisite
2nd Period - Planning
3rd Period - Theatre Arts II (Intermediate) - You must pass Theatre I with a grade of 75 or higher, or you may attend auditions for Theatre II in the spring semester.
4th Period - Theatre Arts III (Proficient Honors) and IV (Advanced Honors) - To take Theatre III, you must pass Theatre II with a grade of B or higher and demonstrated rehearsal etiquette and mastery of the Theatre II curriculum. To take Theatre IV, you must pass Theatre III with a grade of B or higher, demonstrated rehearsal etiquette, and mastery of the Theatre III curriculum. This class is generally for juniors and seniors. Sophomores may enroll with instructor permission.