Visual Arts

🥇AOMS Award of Excellence

Visual Arts, Middle Division

Artist:  Olivia Sanchez Palacios

Grade: 7

Title:  Golden Life

Details: 8x5x4 photographs with canvas frame, and 4x4x4 photographs with canvas frame linked together with rope to form a spiral shape 

Artist Statement:  I’m hopeful because many people are creating a better lifestyle, helping them achieve greatness. To stay healthy and enjoy life, it’s important to choose a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables. Engaging in sports and physical activities can help reduce stress and improve mental function. These habits, they can help you enjoy life to the fullest. I wanted to spread this idea by creating photos that showcase the benefits of a balanced diet and exercise. Carlsbad’s farmers market in the local beaches, inspired me to illustrate these images that provide a helpful reminder to stay healthy.

🥈AOMS Award of Merit

Visual Arts, Middle Division

ArtistLily Rashidi  

Grade: 6

TitleSketch to Life

Artist StatementThis art tells me a story. It starts as a person with a blank canvas drawing a sketch or an idea that they hope becomes larger than life. They are open to new ideas full of possibilities, wonder, creativity and imagination. As the person hoped, their sketch came to life. I chose to make this sketch of a crane because in Japanese culture, a crane is a symbol of hope. Like the character did in my story, I am hopeful because new ideas and creativity can get people further than they ever believed.

🥉AOMS Honorable Mention

Visual Arts, Middle Division

ArtistTatyana Bogatyreva 

Grade: 8


Artist StatementPlants symbolize life and resilience, water constantly flows, and supports all life. The vibrant orange tiger embodies hope and protection in Chinese culture, offering security and optimism. Snakes shedding represents renewal, adaptation, and hope for a brighter future. Butterflies, their graceful metamorphosis embodying patience, endurance, and the Taoist philosophy of embracing change. Their delicate presence reflects interconnectedness and personal growth in Chinese culture. Deer, a keystone species, maintain ecosystem health, symbolizing prosperity in feng shui. This scene emphasizes hope's simplicity, reminding us that hope can stem from the unassuming perseverance of these creatures and our shared origins in nature.

Visual Arts, Middle Division

ArtistLaila Ferrer 

Grade: 6

TitleNew Beginnings

Artist StatementThe full moon at the end of the monthly moon cycle and the sweet cherry blossom tree which blooms at the start of Spring each year both symbolize new beginnings and hope. As I painted this piece, I wanted to show my gratitude for the years of the past in elementary school, while also showing my great sense of hope for the future in middle school, as I now finally let go of the feelings of nervousness and fear when making this big change. I will now be ready to handle anything and I am hopeful for my "New Beginnings."

Visual Arts, Middle Division

ArtistCaden Faciane 

Grade: 7

TitleTides of Hope 

Artist StatementI am hopeful because people are beginning to combat the plastics that are polluting oceans, decimating habitats, and endangering species. To show this, the canvas is divided into halves. The right side uses muted colors to represent the current devastation. Contrastingly, the left side is full of colorful, vibrant life and swirls of sparkling water. The penguin’s beak faces left, brushing the clean water to show the hopeful pursuit to protect our oceans. And though we are not there yet, the change encourages us to swim forward and seize a future not plagued by the plastics of the past.

Visual Arts, Middle Division

ArtistLily Rashidi 

Grade: 6

TitleReaching Past the Horizon 

Artist StatementWhen you hope, you can grow both physically and mentally. You can grow strong-minded and independent. The tree in my painting shows how much you can grow when you hope. This tree’s goal is to grow past the horizon using hope as its ladder. The tree is tall and independent, but what you may not see is the tree used to be a tiny sprout in the ground, then grew into a massive tree by using hope. I am hopeful because, similar to the tree, I know I can reach past my limits no matter what by using hope.

Visual Arts, Middle Division

ArtistLaila Ferrer 

Grade: 6

TitleOur Forests, Our Future

Artist StatementForests are home to more than 80% of all land animals and plants, and absorb their carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen for us to breathe. If forests continue to be destroyed at the current alarming rate, then it can worsen climate change by releasing this carbon dioxide instead, worsening global warming, and threatening the lives of these adorable species. I am hopeful because I know that each of us can help prevent this by: planting more trees, supporting organizations that help save forests, buying forest-friendly products, and avoiding paper waste. Let's unite to save our forests, our future!

Visual Arts, Middle Division

ArtistChloe Ferrer 

Grade: 6

TitleTree of Hope 

Artist StatementThe bonsai tree is a special tree, admired for its beauty at every age and stage of life. Like the bonsai tree, I hope to feel the same about my own growth at each stage. I loved elementary school very much, and was so very sad to let it go. But I am now eager to begin a new journey in the next stage in middle school. Through careful pruning of my branches, I will create a future full of hope, harmony, and positivity -- everything that this favorite tree of mine represents and why it's my "Tree of Hope."

Visual Arts, Middle Division

ArtistChloe Ferrer 

Grade: 6

TitleA Wave of Change

Artist StatementThe ocean covers 70% of the planet and is home to many important animal species that help our planet and climate. But the ocean needs our help. I am hopeful because I know that if we can unite to make even small changes, we can help protect these beautiful living creatures and our futures. Examples include to use less water, pick up trash by the ocean, avoid straws, plastic bags and water bottles, and use less car pollution by carpooling. Let's make a pact to do our part, I am hopeful that we can create a "Wave of Change!"

Visual Arts, Middle Division

ArtistMari King 

Grade: 6

TitleA Light in the Dark

Artist StatementThere will always be hope because in the darkest times there will be a friend to help light the way.

Visual Arts, Middle Division

ArtistKatherine Walker 

Grade: 7

TitleStar Girl

Artist StatementThis piece represents how I continue to be a high achiever, and “Reach for the stars.” I do this because one day I hope to reach success and happiness in my hobbies, education, and life.

Visual Arts, Middle Division

ArtistAva Dezfulian 

Grade: 7

TitleFreedom for All Women

Artist StatementI am hopeful that one day all women can have the freedoms we have here in US, especially young girls and women in Iran that are being forced to cover their hair against their will.

Visual Arts, Middle Division

ArtistAlexa Garrison 

Grade: 7

TitleI Am Hopeful Because the World is Turning

Artist StatementThis relates to the theme because I am saying that I am hopeful because the world is turning because the world is always rotating that keeps us safe from the sun.