
Anup Shrestha's Teaching

"We pass through this world but once, so do now any good you can do, and show now any kindness you can show, for we shall not pass this way again."

What a beautiful quote by 17th century English writer Willian Penn. And what an opportunity teaching brings into my career - to do the good to the society, to show kindness - when you engage on those socratic conversations with your research scholars and when you talk to the young generations about their employability skills.

I am committed to ensuring that students, particularly in regional communities, have access to a world-class educational provision. Working with the leaders in the school's learning and teaching space, I have been part of the development of business programs designed to engage students and strengthen teaching practices. Over the years, I have learnt to adapt and innovate in my teaching practices. My technology background helps me to experiment with future focused learning tools and techniques. I am not daunted by the challenges of my limited oratory skills and challenges of English as a 'fourth' language - because as a teacher, we should connect hearts more than we utter the right words. I want to celebrate my students' success but more importantly, when my students feel low, I want to be there to listen and tell them this is the most important learning - 'character building'.

What do I want to focus on my teaching? - Character Building, that means, we should focus on

And I do not teach this by lecturing, I teach this by connecting - and I learn from this process too.

Teaching Interests

Teaching Awards (2020 onwards)

Course Development (2020 onwards)

Teaching Experience (2020 onwards)