
Anup Shrestha's Research

My research interests focus on understanding the interplay between information systems and management principles in organisations and societies, including theories and applications related to business and social impact of IT. My research philosophy lies in conducting industry-based and methodologically rigorous research. My research interests are interdisciplinary in nature, exploring the Information Systems, Computer Science and Management disciplines into broad areas of enterprise service management, knowledge management, IT management and governance, digital transformation, digital technologies adoption and use. I use a range of methodologies, including design science research, case study, survey, and systematic literature reviews in my projects.  Looking into research from a design science perspective is my major research interest.

I completed my PhD in 2015 as part of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industry Linkage grant working with ICT practitioners and academics from USQ and Griffith University in Queensland, Australia. My doctoral dissertation reported the development and evaluation of a software-mediated process assessment approach in IT Service Management [access National Library of Australia Trove here]

My PhD was awarded the best Australian thesis in Information Systems by the ACPHIS (Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems) in 2016 [access ACPHIS recognition page here].  

My research was also recognized by the IT industry by winning the iAwards Queensland IT innovation winner in 2015 [access QLD award winner video here].  

Department: School of Business

Affiliations: Institute of Resilient Regions

Areas of expertise

ANZSRC Field of Research (FoR) 2020

Research Awards

Research Grants


I have published over 100 refereed articles and my publications have appeared in highly ranked academic outlets such as the Association for Information Systems (AIS) listed premier journals - Journal of the Association for Information Systems (ABDC A*) and Information & Management (ABDC A*) - along with other business interdisciplinary journals including International Journal of Information Management (ABDC A*), Journal of Knowledge Management (ABDC A), Technological Forecasting & Social Change (ABDC A), Government Information Quarterly (ABDC A), IT & People (ABDC A), Information Systems Frontiers (ABDC A), Computer Standards & Interfaces and many others. I also have an active interest in extending my education practice by publishing for scholarship in avenues including The International Journal of Management Education, Journal of Computer Information Systems and chapter contributions for doctoral supervision. Given my roots in the mountains of Nepal, I am also expanding my reach and impact to build research and scholarship avenues towards promoting business education in Nepal. 

 My publication represents his breadth of interdisciplinary research coverage in the areas of Information Systems, Computer Science and Management.