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The Latin American Network of Digital Anthropology is a space that gathers Latin American students, professionals and researchers who address the digital as an object, context, ethical-methodological approach, and/or form of scientific dissemination. On this occasion, we are pleased to announce the IV Latin American Meeting of Digital Anthropology: "Reimagining (Counter)Hegemonies", which will be held online on December 11, 12 and 13, 2024.

In the current regional context, where daily lives are strongly influenced by both political and technological factors, we invite to problematize the relationship between these two terms from multiple perspectives. Firstly, we will seek to reflect on the digitalization of the political, including the ways in which online phenomena and power relations interact in the configuration of regional politics. We are also looking forward to addressing the political nature of the digital from a critical perspective, rethinking the algorithmic structure of cyber environments and the expansion of ideologies and practices associated with them. Finally, we encourage focusing on alternative digital agencies and logics that can be constructed from Latin America, aiming at strengthening counter-hegemonic positions in our relationship with digital technologies.

The #ELAD24 will include presentation panels where both academic and applied works will be presented, as well as workshops and conferences. Participation as an attendee or presenter is free of charge. Papers presented can be the product of completed or in progress research from different areas of Anthropology or other social and humanistic disciplines. We also accept work experiences linked to communities, territories, contemporary visual culture, as well as scientific dissemination and communication, associated with the thematic lines presented below.

Thematic Axes

1. Materialities, media, and infrastructures. This axis addresses research on specific technologies where the digital becomes an object of study in itself and, thus, the center of analysis. It includes work on the functioning of social media, digital platforms, video games, among others.

2. Ethical and methodological perspectives. This axis delves into discussions, experiences, and ethnographies applying ethical-methodological approaches with digital perspectives, including reflections on the use of computational techniques and tools from other disciplines for the study of technology.

3. Digital, digitized, and transformed contexts. This axis addresses research where technology intersects with the sociocultural context, framing the emergence of both new phenomena and those transformed into digital formats. 

4. Identities, subjectivities, and communities. This axis explores how subjects and groups inhabiting digital environments create forms of expression, connection, and collaboration that transcend screens. It includes studies on social media users, digital platforms, and video games, among others.

5. Scientific communication and organization through the digital. This axis focuses on reflections on individual and collective experiences using digital technologies for scientific dissemination and the organization of events where they played a central role. 


Organizing Comittee

Cristina Parra (@dulce____cristina ) - Coordination - Universidad Iberoamericana, México.

Martina Di Tullio (@martuditu) - Coordination - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

José Francisco Zampieron (LinkedIn) - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.

Tania Zapatero Romero (@taniazaparom) - Universidad de Guanajuato, México.

Adalberto Tapia (@tapiaservigna) - Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela.

Scientific Comittee

Edixela Burgos (@edixelaburgos) - Universidad Central de Venezuela/Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela.

Rodrigo Ramírez Autrán (Facebook)  - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.

Mary Anne Argo Chávez (@La_Argonauta) - Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile.

Erika Pérez Domínguez (Academia) - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.

Daniel Daza Prado (Perfil UNSAM) - Universidad de San Martín, Argentina.

Débora Krischke Leitão (Academia) - Université du Quebec à Montreal/Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil.

Julián Atilano Morales (Academia) - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.

Max Matus (@xquenda_lab) - Colegio de la Frontera Norte, México.