If I Wuz U

Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner

Choreographer: Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Music: Me Too - Meghan Traino

Starts on Vocal (32 Counts)

Walk, Walk, Walk, Kick, Shuffle Back, Rock Step.

1-2 Walk forward Right-Left.

3-4 Walk forward Right, kick Left forward.

5&6 Step back on Left, step Right next to Left, step back on Left.

7-8 Rock back on Right, recover on Left.

Step, Heel, Toe, Touch, Step, Heel, Toe, Heel, Touch.

1 Step Right forward diagonal Right.

2-3 Swivel Left heel in toward Right, swivel Left toe in toward Right.

4 Touch Left next to Right.

5 Step Left forward diagonal Left.

6&7 Swivel Right heel in toward Left, swivel Right toe in toward Left, swivel Right heel in toward Left.

8 Touch Right next to Left.

Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Rock Step, Behind, 1/4.

1-2 Step Right to Right side, cross step Left behind Right.

3-4 Step Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right.

5-6 Rock Right to Right side, recover on Left.

7-8 Cross step Right behind Left, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping forward on Left.

Step, Kick, Back, Point, Cross, Back, Side, Step.

1-2 Step forward on Right, kick Left forward.

3-4 Step back on Left, point Right to Right side.

5-6 Cross step Right over Left, step back on Left.

7-8 Step Right to Right side, step forward on Left.

Tag: End of Wall 3..

Walk, Walk, Walk, Kick, Back, Back, Back Touch.

1-2 Walk forward Right-Left.

3-4 Walk forward Right, kick Left forward.

5-6 Walk back Left-Right.

7-8 Step back on Left, touch Right next to Left.