Canadian Stomp

1-4 Right foot toe-heel, cross right over left & hold

5-8 Left foot toe-heel, cross left over right & hold

9-12 Right foot toe-heel, cross right over left & hold

13-16 Left foot toe-heel, cross left over right & hold

17-18 Step right back & hold

19-20 Step left back & hold

21-24 Jog back right foot, left foot, right foot, stomp left foot

25-28 Vine right (right foot, left foot, right foot), touch left foot

29-32 Vine left with a ¼ turn left (left foot, right foot, turn ¼ left and step with left foot), touch right foot

33-36 Jazz box (cross right over left, step left back, step right together, step left foot in place)