Barn Dance

Choreographed by Dick Matteis & Geneva Owsley Matteis

Description:32 count, beginner mixer dance

Music:Wild Wild West by The Escape Club

Early In The Morning by Hank Williams Jr.

Position:Moving LOD around dance floor, couples form the largest circle possible on the floor. When danced as a non-mixer, each dancer returns to the same partner. It can be danced by several couples on a large floor, by having the lead gentleman start the vine to the left and then join the last lady in the line with all other gentlemen moving up one lady (This may provoke more than a few laughs as the line gets longer). Gentleman faces outside edge of dance floor, lady faces center of dance floor. Originally choreographed for the closed western dance position, which would have the gentleman's right hand on the lady's left shoulder. The lady's left arm would be under the gentleman's right arm and she would place her left hand in the bend of his right elbow. Many North Carolina instructors teach the ballroom dance position; gentleman's left hand holds lady's right hand in full frame at eye level; gentleman's right hand on lady's left shoulder blade, her left hand on his right upper arm or shoulder

Steps are different for the gentleman and lady


1Step left side

2Right foot close to the left foot

3Step left side

4Right toe touch to close to the left foot

5Step right side

6Left foot close to the right foot

7Step right side

8Left toe touch to close to the right foot

9Left foot step to the left-spin lady to the right-left hand leads her and right hand pushes lightly on her back to start, then drops to gentleman's right hip

10Right foot close to the left foot

11Step left side

12Right toe touch to close to the left foot

13Right foot step to the right-start spinning lady to the left back to original starting position

14Left foot close to the right foot

15Step right side

16Left toe touch to close to the right foot, replace right hand on her left shoulder blade


17Left foot step left ¼ turn to the left-you will now be facing the line of dance, gentleman's left hand still holds lady's hand, but the handhold is now waist high, the gentleman's right hand goes behind the lady's back to hold her right side at the waist

18Hop/scoot on left foot, right foot scuff into low kick in front of the left foot aimed to the left

19Step right forward

20Hop/scoot on right foot, left foot scuff into low kick in front of the right foot aimed to the right-touching the lady's right foot

21Step left forward

22Hop/scoot on left foot, right foot scuff into low kick in front of the left foot aimed to the left

23Step right forward

24Hop/scoot on right foot, left foot scuff into low kick in front of the right foot aimed to the right-touching the lady's right foot

These vines are with a slightly forward movement in the line of dance in order that the gentleman leaves one lady and advances to the next lady forward in the line of dance


25Step left side, dropping hands

26Lock right behind

27Step left side

28Right foot scuff into low forward kick in front of the left foot aimed to the left and clap


29Step right side

30Cross left behind

31Right foot step ¼ turn to the right (face new partner and outside edge of the dance floor)

32Left foot close-resume closed country/ballroom position with new partner who was one position forward in the line of dance



1Step right side

2Left foot close to the right foot

3Step right side

4Left toe touch to close to the right foot

5Step left side

6Right foot close to the left foot

7Step left side

8Right toe touch to close to the left foot


9Right foot step to the right 1/3 turn to the right-drop left arm

10Left foot step to the right 1/3 turn to the right

11Right foot step to the right 1/3 turn to the right

12Left toe touch to close to the right foot


13Left foot step to the left 1/3 turn to the left

14Right foot step to the left 1/3 turn to the left

15Left foot step to the left 1/3 turn to the left

16Right toe touch to close to the left foot-put left hand on the gentleman's right upper arm or shoulder


17Right foot step ¼ turn to the right-you will now be facing the line of dance, gentleman's left hand still holds lady's hand, but the handhold is now waist high, lady's left hand goes behind gentleman's back to hold his left side at the waist

18Hop/scoot on right foot, left foot scuff into low kick in front of the right foot aimed to the right

19Step left forward

20Hop/scoot on left foot, right foot scuff into low kick in front of the left foot aimed to the left-touching the gentleman's left foot

21Step right forward

22Hop/scoot on right foot, left foot scuff into low kick in front of the right foot aimed to the right

23Step left forward

24Hop/scoot on left foot, right foot scuff into low kick in front of the left foot aimed to the left-touching the gentleman's left foot


25Right foot step ¼ turn to the right

26Left foot step ¼ turn to the right

27Right foot step ¼ turn to the right

28Left foot hitch to 6" off the floor


29Left foot step to the left-¼ turn to the left

30Right foot step to the left-¼ turn to the left

31Left foot step to the left-¼ turn to the left

32Right foot close to the left foot-resume closed ballroom position with next partner