Honey, I'm Good



Donna Manning (Jan 2015)

Honey, I'm Good by Andy Grammer

As a contra dance: pick a partner, start facing each other with about 3 feet between you……..

Sec. 1 (1-8) Step, Kick, Coaster Step, Stomp, Stomp, Toes, Heels, Toes

1,2, 3&4

5,6, 7&8

Step R fwd, kick L fwrd as you tap instep to instep w/ partner, step L back, bring R back to L, step L fwrd

Stomp R to R side, Stomp L to L side (weight to both feet), turn both toes to center, turn both heels to center,

turn both toes to center taking weight to L

Sec. 2 (9-16) Cross Kicks R-L, Triple, Chase Turn


Kick R across, Bring R back to center, Kick L across, Bring L back to center (you can either tap insteps

or kick across each other – add hands if you want…..patty cake L hands while kicking R feet and R hands

as you kick L feet)

***You will now triple past your partner R shoulder to R shoulder switching sides***

5&6, 7&8

Step R fwrd, bring instep of L to heel of R, Step R fwrd, Step L fwrd, ½ turn R on the ball of L bring R together,

Step L fwrd

***You should be back in front of your partner***

Sec. 3 (17-24) Heel Switches, Hitch, Stomp, Heel Switches, Hitch, Stomp


Touch R heel fwrd, R to center, Touch L heel fwrd, L to center, Touch R heel fwrd, Hitch R,

Stomp R at center taking weight


Touch L heel fwrd, L to center, Touch R heel fwrd, R to center, Touch L heel fwrd, Hitch L,

Stomp L across center taking weight

Sec. 4 (25-32) Side Rock, Recover, Weave (repeat sequence)

***You will be changing partners during counts 5-8*** (Make counts 1-4 small…..let 7&8 travel a bit to change partners)



Rock R to R side, recover to L, R behind L, L to L side, R cross over L – keep these steps small

Rock L to L side, recover to R, L behind R, R to R side, Cross L over R – Let 7&8 travel to the R to facilitate

changing partners

***Your new partner will be the person to the left of your original partner***

You will dance the next rotation with your new partner. During the last section of 8 you will change again and be back with your original partners. People on the end of the lines will dance with and without partners every other rotation.