Reports & Expertise

CEDA's 2017 Economic and Political Overview (EPO) provides economic and political insights and also examines where growth will come from in 2017, ongoing domestic challenges, the prospect of a weakening Australian dollar, and global risks.

My chapter, Engaging Communities in Economic Reform, draws insights from my research on political parties, Australian politics and participation to recommend strategies to better engage all Australians in processes of political, economic and institutional change.

Parliamentary Inquiries

Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters Inquiry into Electoral Education (July 16 2015).

NSW Premier’s Expert Panel on Political Donations (September 2014). This evidence was subsequently cited in the Political Donations, Final Report (December 2014).

NSW Parliament Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (24 August 2012). This evidence was subsequently cited in the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters Review of the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912 and the Election Fundraising, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981, Report 3/55 – May 2013.

Smaller Government: What do Ministers Do? Submission to the House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee (August 2010).