Party Regulation and Electoral Law

  • Anika Gauja (2016) The Legal Regulation of Political Parties: Promoting Electoral Integrity? Election Law Journal 15(1): 1-3.
  • Anika Gauja (2016) The Legal Regulation of Political Parties: Is There a Global Normative Standard? Election Law Journal 15(1): 4-19.
  • Anika Gauja and Graeme Orr (2015) Regulating “Third Parties” as Electoral Actors: Comparative Insights and Questions for Democracy. Interest Groups and Advocacy 4(3): 249-271.
  • Nicole Bolleyer and Anika Gauja (2015) The Limits of Regulation: Indirect Party Access to State Resources in Australia and the UK. Governance 28(3): 321-340.
  • Graeme Orr and Anika Gauja (2014) Third Party Campaigning and Issue Advertising in Australia. Australian Journal of Politics and History 60(1): 73-92.
  • Nicole Bolleyer and Anika Gauja (2013) Parliamentary salaries as a party resource: Party organizational power in Westminster democracies. Party Politics, 19(5): 778-797.
  • Anika Gauja (2008) State Regulation and the Internal Organization of Political Parties: The Impact of Party Law in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 46(2): 244-261.
  • Anika Gauja (2006) From Hogan to Hanson: The regulation and changing legal status of Australian political parties. Public Law Review, 17(4), 282-299.