Gamification and Tasks

As of now i am working on a completely new feature that is planned to release in the first quarter of 2023.  After further research we have noticed that the numbers of users that like to just play in the app is very big. Unfortunately our app was not having any features that would make their experience more fun and entertaining. 

Our team and i held multiple online sessions trying to come up with ideas how to add more entertainment without deteriorating the experience of our other user groups (Pro designers and renovators). After some time we came up with an idea to create Challenges. 

New feature "Challenges" (tasks)

This feature would allow renovators to create challenges so that other users would follow their requirements and complete challenge for reward, that way renovators will get a lot of ideas to use in their renovations. Pro designers and students can complete more serious challenges that our team with the help of interior designers and interior design teachers/mentors have created for them. These challenges would require a sertain level of knowledge about design. Although many Pro designers have found the idea interesting, unfortunately, many noted that they will not have any free time to complete challenges, this is why this feature is still raw and we are working on it. as for out gamer user group, challenges would be a nice addition to their hobby!

Main Features


I started off with identifying what is nesessary to create interesting challenges. What main functions must challenges include and how make this function intuitive and easy. 

It is clear that to motivate users to complete challenges we needed to add rewards. In the first quarter of 2023 we decided to make it simple-Add level points and furniture rewards. For next releases we will add monetization and ability to purchase monthly subscribtion with in-game currency.

Competitor Analysis

Next i conducted competitor research. It was important for us to see how others use challenges to entertain users. Main competitors were Homestyler and Planner 5D.  Research was done by going through recent reviews of the competitors that were made by users.


Our team had divided the work on challenges feature between three designers. One was resonsible for achievements, another one for app in-game currency economy and i was responsible for challenges and challenges interfaces.

Some design iterations

Publishing work


Final design

As of today the feature is still not released hence why i cant show my work. But if you have ay questions i am happy to answer at