Think Fast

Talk Smart

Check yourself



Task 1

You have 2 minutes to prepare and 2 minutes to respond to the task card. You do not have to cover all bullet points, you should add your own ideas. You have to include the following:

2 vocabulary items from Padlet (idioms from the coursebook and words from the podcast)

1-2 references to the podcast content-wise

1+ bullet point(s) from the task

After the monologue, ask your partner a follow-up question. They have about 1 minute to respond.

Finally, give a short opinion on what they have said (10-15 sec).

Task Card 1 (student A)

What are the hacks to help us not talk as much?

Question for student B:

Is there a direct correlation between an over-talker and verbose writer?

Task Card 2 (student B)

How could we define a good conversationalist

Question for student A:

How to deal with interrupters?

Assessment Criteria

The criteria of evaluating Speaking tasks (maximum number of points: 20)


Task 2

You are given a mind map — a question with five prompts. You have 2 minutes to look at the question and prompts, after which you and your partner have to start the discussion.

You should include the following:

You will be given additional roles. You will have 2 sets of tasks. Every time only one of you will have to follow the prompt. One of you will be complicating the situation, while the other will be dealing with the communication breakdown.

Speaker 1

You role: 

You have not slept all night. Therefore, you are sleepy and you do not understand anything from the first time. You have to ask your interlocutor to repeat questions and certain points of their speech (do it at least 3 times).

Speaker 2

You role: 

You are a What and Why type of person. After every second statement you ask a question, which is not necessarily relevant to the topic. You ask personal questions, thus distracting your interlocutor.