Comments Blog

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Jeff Murray's feature on the front page of the local section of the Star-Gazette [August 8, 2011]

Elmira College News on the Web [July 25, 2011]

Jennifer Kingsley's Neighbors Column in the Star-Gazette [July 17, 2011]

Viewer Commentary Video: Neysa Bender at Dormann Library

Viewer Commentary Video: Mark Bart at Dormann Library

The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the use of the camera as well as the pen.

- Laszlo Moholy-Nagy (1932)

Schuyler County Hospital Reception Area

While setting up my photographs, I met a family from Beaver Dams in the emergency room area. Their son/grandson had strep throat that needed to be treated. The young ones were curious and started asking questions, however, they didn't want to be recorded or photographed. Mom did ask me to photograph her with her youngest son, which I did. Here are some of their comments:

Young man with strep throat: "What is that photograph made of? Is it on glass?" His throat hurt him and he didn't really care to talk, but he was interested in the process.

Grandfather: "That is what cellphones are for." He pulled his cellphone out to show me a photo of beautiful sunset that he had taken. My photo of the Chemung River reminded him of the Adirondacks, though "the rocks are more like big boulders in the Adirondacks." An upcoming fishing expedition came to mind, and they enthusiastically described a camping trip to the north country.

SCHUYLER Near Alpine Junction, NY

Artist Crossroads Project


is made possible, in part, with public funds from

the New York State Council on the Arts' Decentralization Program,

administered locally by

The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes