
National PRoducer Number (NPN)

This is the number assigned to you when you first became licensed. In most states, this is not the same as your license number.

Voided check

You can also use a Bank Authorization Letter, but it must be on Bank Letterhead, signed by the Bank, with your full name, Routing, and Account Number on it.


Who do you want your commissions to be paid to, should you pass? You'll need that person's full legal name, phone number, address, and social security number (SSN.)

Current Anti-Money Laundering Certification

You’ll end up completing a few Anti-Money Laundering courses throughout contracting. Most carriers accept WebCE, but there are a few that require their own course to be completed. 

These are the two that you need to complete prior to beginning contracting. Make sure you download the certificates of completion!

Current Errors & Omissions Coverage

You can get E&O Coverage from wherever you choose (once you’re licensed!) However, we recommend BiBerk for a few reasons:

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