HCMS Onboarding

The Hierarchy and Compensation Management System (HCMS) is a software solution used by Agents, Contractors, and the FFL Corporate Contracting team to manage contracting requests.

You will receive an email invitation from Support HCMS to onboard from


This and subsequent emails may end up in spam, so please search there using this email address as a search tool. These are not monitored emails, so please don't send emails to them.

Email #1: 

Family First Life (FFL) - Onboarding for New Agent

*Please enter NPN during onboarding*

Email #2: 

Family First Life (FFL) - Onboarding Completed

*You can now log in to HCMS with your email address & the password you just chose* 

Email #3: 

Family First Life (FFL) - Contracting Process

This email contains the link for SuranceBay. This is your next step! This is where you fill out the contracts with a few of the different carriers we write business with.