
Gingivitis bacteria (Porphyromonas Gingivalis) have been found in the brains of AD patients and injecting them into mice cause beta amyloid/tau deposits and cognitive decline in mice. (Science, 2019) (Dominy, 2019)(Poole, 2013) They may get into the bloodstream through broken teeth, inflamed gums, through the stomach (low stomach acid and leaky endothelial layer)(Bures, 2010)(Sachdev, 2013) or through the nose. There may be a link between periodontis and Alzheimer/dementia (Abbayya, 2015) Poor tooth care is associated with alzheimer's risk. (Diogaurdi, 2019)

Spirochetes - Some researches claim that Alzheimers is caused by spirochetes (such as those transmitted by ticks and syphilis) and that spirochetes are found in 20-90% of all AD brains on autopsy. (Allen, 2016) (Miklossy, 2011) Syphilis infection does indeed progress into dementia. Six AD spirochetes are found in dental plaque and said to mobilize following dental procedures. They can easily cross the blood brain barrier. Suggestive treatment is similar to lyme's disease - long term antibiotics and something to destroy the bacterial biofilm. If this has any credibility, then the guy who planted trees at our land claims raw honey cured his lyme's diease. He claimed to have lost his memory, his ability to do anything - for 3 years - and raw honey brought him back. He now keeps his own bees.

Propolis (sticky bee glue found in small amounts in raw honey) has been shown to break up biofilms and raw honey does have some enzymes that aid in digestion. (Oryan, 2018)(Capoci, 2015) (Erejuwa, 2012) (Ajibola, 2012) Honey is hygroscopic and very saturated, so it resists microbial growth, but this would be diluted in the stomach versus it's use in external wounds. (Molan, 2015) (Mandal, 2011) Honey has more minerals than white sugar but is otherwise a concentrated sugar syrup. When I have bees again, I can save propolis for anyone that wants to eat it. It's black and tarry and....

There is evidence that the endotoxin byproducts of these bacteria are similar to prions and other misfolded proteins. (Zhou, 2013) This may be related to the alpha synuclein prion that results from a bacterial metabolite, causing parkinsonian dementia.

Herpes virus has been linked in later onset alzheimer’s. (Balin, 2018) and found in more AD brains versus controls (Lin, 2002) ApoE4 status has been linked to cold sores and is linked to HSV1 damage in the nervous system. (Itzhaki, 2002) More data has come out linking Herpes viruses and chicken pox infection to AD and shown reduction in progression to dementia when anti-viral treatment occurs. (Itzhaki, 2018)(Redhead, 2018)(alzforum)

Mold - Mold weakens our immune systems (causing stress that may dump needed minerals) and it can also infect us directly, causing illness. Could mold or other fungi contribute to AD? Could this be part of the reason it runs in families since family members tend to live in the same environment.(Emptying, 2009) Fungal species have been found in the brains of AD patients on autopsy. (Alonso, 2014)(Pisa, 2015) 6 case studies of AD patients with presumed inhalational fungal infection. (Bredesen, 2016)

Beta amyloid has been shown to have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity in mice, indicating that it may be produced in response to infection. (NIH, 2016)(Kumar, 2016)(Eimer, 2018)

Chlamydia pneumoniae - This bacteria is commonly found in AD brains (Gerard, 2005) and the bacterial burden appears to be higher in the brains of ApoE4 carriers.(Hammond, 2010) (Gerard, 2006)(Shima, 2010) Chlamydia pneumoniae (CP) is the common cause of "walking pneumonia" and spread by air droplets. CP has been implicated in heart attack risk, multiple sclerosis and AD. Treatment with antibiotics has decreased risk of MI and MS. (Gupta, 1997)(Weldon, 2016)

Are the brains of AD sufferers riddled with infection because the body/brain is ill/weak/poisoned/dying and so much easier to attack? Or are the infection agents causing the damage? How to remove them? How to keep the brain/body healthy enough to fight off infections on their own? (Angelucci, 2019)

Antibiotic Use - Treatment of mild Alzheimer's patients with rifampin and doxycycline showed mixed or no results and no effect on Chlamydia pneumoniae levels. (Molloy, 2012)(Loeb, 2004) Minocycline showed no cognitive benefit in AD, Parkinsons or Huntingtons. (Angelucca, 2019) It did show some benefits in MS, but worsened ALS. (ALZforum)

Gut Microbiome - The gut microbiome of AD patients is distinct from aged matched controls and lacks diversity (Vogt, 2017) (Science news) Gut microbiome is dependent on lifestyle and environment. Fruit and vegetable variety is known to increase gut bacteria diversity. (O'Keefe, 2019)(Meredith, 2009) (Gupta, 2017)(Schnorr, 2014)(Conteville, 2019)(IM food forum) Perhaps fecal transplants from young healthy people will become a viable treatment? (Sun, 2019)(Science News) IBS is associated with a 26% increased risk of dementia in a study of 160,000 patients over an 11 year time period (Chen, 2016)

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) - is an endotoxin (metabolite of gram negative bacteria cell walls) that has been shown to cross the blood brain barrier and cause beta amyloid deposits in mice. Humans are especially sensitive to LPS. (Lee, 2013)

LPS will induce increased TNFa. TNfa is an immune system response to infection. Increases in TNFa cause neuron death, increase inflammatory cytokines, and suppress tumor growth. TNFa levels are correlated with dementia. TNFa can be reduced with exercise. (citations required.)

Could ticks, flies or mosquitoes be vectors for virus transmission leading to AD?

Is Alzheimer's a prion (misfolded protein) disease?



Fix any broken teeth. Floss every single day. Use a bacteria killing mouthwash. Keep our mineral levels high (by eating real food and little to no processed/stripped treats/snacks to maintain tooth enamel integrity and proper immune function. Practice good hygiene to limit spread of infections.